Some have visited our personal website and learned our tragic news of Jhonny's termination last Friday. It came as quite a shock and he could spend hours telling you his opinion of how it happened, but it doesn't change the fact nor the probability that we won't qualify for unemployment benefits.
I've been overwhelmed by the prayers and support from our friends, family and branch family here. Our former branch president invited us over Sunday evening to discuss our situation and determine our immediate needs. He loaned us a car for Jhonny to use and offered him an opportunity for possible employment with his company. We aren't sure of the details, pay, benefits, or for how long - but it's something which is better than nothing.
We've pondered the possibilities of beginning a personal business in handyman/remodeling work, which is a bit daunting. I feel the need to study up on the laws and regulations about small business ownership. I'm sure some of you could lend some advise on that.
When I was set apart as a Relief Society President I was told that I would grow closer to the Lord during a challenge to come. I've been wondering what that challenge would be ever since. Well now I know and I'm grateful for the blessing I received. It's been a comfort and a hope knowing that the Lord is aware and is ready and willing to help us get through this transition.
The good news is that we will get one more paycheck before we're cut off which buys us a few more weeks to find new employment or pay if this opportunity works out.