Jhonny broke out with Halliburton in April and has been dealing with the frustrations of the oil field. The biggest transition has been in getting used to the schedule and being gone for days at a time. In his spare time he has been busy doing home improvement projects. He teaches the Deacon's quorum on Sundays and tries to make it to Mutual on Wednesday nights.
In June I gave birth to Gavin 3 weeks early due to PIH. It took a while to recover, but I soon found myself looking for more to do with my time. I took on a babysitting job to earn money for dance lessons for the girls and joined the local MOPS chapter. The biggest transition came when I was released as a counselor and pianist in the primary and called to be the Relief Society President of our Branch.
Jessica turned 6 in June and started First grade. She is at the top of her class and has E's on her report card in all her subjects and conduct. The biggest accomplishment came last summer when she shocked the primary by reading her own talk. Everyone broke out in applause and she had a big grin on her face. Her reading has only soared since then. Jessica is also involved in her fourth year of dance. Jessica has been a big helper and great big sister to Lily and Gavin.
Lily turned 2 last April and has been celebrating her birthday every day since it seems. Whenever her dad brings home a treat or when I pull out a new (hand-me-down) outfit she shrieks with pleasure at her new "birthday" present. Lily started dance lessons this year at Lisa's dance and after two lessons of the Mom and Me she was more than ready to move on to the pre-ballet class by herself. Lily loves to learn and play and is always doing something new. For a kid who hasn't grown more than 32 inches in the last year, she sure has gotten "big." Her latest accomplishment is getting potty trained! Yeah!! Mom is most excited about that one. Lily continues to entertain us around here with her antics and latest phrases.
Gavin was born June 16th and has been steady on his growth chart. He has a big grin and loves attention. He is finally sleeping through the night, rolling over and almost sitting by himself. He is a cuddly baby who loves the most expensive pacifier. I'll do anything to prevent another thumb sucker. He also cries alot when he isn't getting enough attention to which his sisters are a great help. We look forward to seeing him grow and develop. He is babbling at us and when he's upset it sounds a lot like, "Mama".
Our family took a couple of vacations this year enjoying Zion's Park in Utah for my grandmother's 80th birthday/family reunion. It was great to see cousins that have grown and catch up on everyone. We also took a weekend to go to Grapevine and visit the Great Wolf Lodge in September. It was loads of fun and we made some great memories there.
We are optomistic about the future. Even though we may pass through some tough times, we are sure of the Lord's tender mercies and his watchful care. We are grateful for our testimonies and the blessings of the gospel. We wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!